Talk Like A Pirate!

by @headfirstonly Mod

Talk Like A Pirate!

Liner Notes

Ahoy mateys!
It be International Talk Like A Pirate Day today, so it be!

So it's time for a nice bit o'the old #piratecore, so it is...


Avast, ye landlubbers!
Shiver me timbers!

Why do pirates talk like that?
Edward Teach, known as "Blackbeard"
was born in Bristol in 1680
and they do talk like that round here

Arr! Dead men tell no tales!
Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum!

But Henry Morgan was Welsh
So was Black Bart himself,
Bartholomew Roberts
Captain Kidd was from Dundee.

Time to feed the fishes!
Off to Davy Jones's locker with ye!

The actor Robert Newton is to blame.
He decided to use a Cornish accent for his role of Long John Silver
In Disney's 1960 version of Treasure Island
And the rest is history.

Got the black spot, have ye?
Walk the plank!


Your pirate accent is really spot on. It's uncanny. I always appreciate a song that can teach me something, and I like the way you weave the lesson in on top of the fun vocals and the rolling bed track underneath. Nice work!
Aye! me matey. Take out the cutlass and jump aboard a merchant galleon, They have wine and rum on board. Cool one, Chris
I love that you've got a DAW heavy ambient techno space with a pirate accent lower down in the mix than and not a shanty - it's refreshing and fits the reflective nerding out on history facts. Nice one. Good for all uses.
Strange space you create here for yer pirate lecture. I like it but am not sure what it has to do with piratin'. Nice history bits, matey. Arrgh!
Craving a trip to Disney World now - lol! This is super cool! Surely, I’m hearing a scene out of one of the Pirate movies… oh, wait, it’s “Treasure Island.” Well done!
Wow, great sound scape, and voice. Very dramatic music. Love Talk Like a Pirate Day. I made a pirate song last week too, so much fun, but not nearly as polished as yours here.
That is something I have always wondered!

The burbling arpeggios under the melody and main synths do sound kind of like the sea and provide an excellent accompaniment for this lesson. Nicely done!
Yarrr! Very educational :). Almost a movie soundtrack like quality to the sound here, perhaps with a distant pirate ship on the horizon in the opening shot.

I remember reading this story after watching Muppet Treasure Island and suddenly deciding I needed to know where the accent came from. I can definitely report that people don't talk like that in Dundee.