This is not a song about death

by @freshspotlessyouth

Skirmish: Puzzling it Out (@atornberg)

Liner Notes

#puzzle #acoustic #skirmish
Oh I go...I'm always thinking about what it means to say someone is dead. Beethoven is dead, sure. But what about some neanderthal from 40,000 years ago. What does it mean to say he is dead? A puzzle. Or not


Oh no
I’m Danny
Here I go
Hammering the same themes all month long
I’m just trying to understand
How what used to be a man
Is no longer dead
Not anymore
There’s no sag
And there’s no mattress
There’s nobody asking after
This guy
What’s his name?
I don’t know
There’s no lump
And there’s no bed
There’s no thought in someone’s head
He’s not even dead
Not anymore
Oh no
I’m Danny
Here I go
Hammering the same themes all year long
I'm still trying to puzzle out
How a lean and abstract noun
Can weigh more than the sum of lives undone


i like the idea behind this song, and how you allude to things without hammeringon with the theme, it is a little like a paul simon song, but more honest and not so self-consciously poetic.
Hello Danny there! i think when we stop questioning we are dead! so we are alive brother! what a final 2 lines!
You've got me thinking about what "not even dead" might mean. Perhaps the way memories and stories go on? Perhaps the way some people's stories are lost to time? Maybe I'm overthinking and I should just enjoy the vibes.

That "Woah" at the end really made the narrator character!
A great sound and flow, and I’m laughing at the message but must admit I can’t solve the riddles.