Talking about peace!

by @mahtowin · @billwhite51 · @wearedinosaurs

Liner Notes

#jfk #peace #bass #vocals #speech

This track took a few weeks to create and started with me hearing this song by @billwhite51

I liked the idea of ​​this landmark speech by J.F. Kennedy to combine with music. While Bill accompanied the speech with his guitar, I found the idea of ​​accompanying the speech with a choir exciting. Bill White sent me the excerpt from the speech that he used and I started working with it. Put on a track by @wearedinosaurs and sang something. Sent Jeroen my vocals and described the idea to him. Then I forgot about the whole thing and last week I got a remixed track from Jeroen on which he had played a bass... I recorded vocals again. This time with some lyrics, send it to him and he remixed it. And now this is the final product! I really enjoy working like this! I like what Jeroen can get out of the tracks, he works very professionally and we have a similar idea of ​​what it should sound like. Plus: I can also let off steam vocally here (as well as with my ongoing collaboration with @ttg105 )!
It couldn't be better! But sorry, no choir! 😃🙈

Enjoy with headphones!


very high quality in my phones! very clever concept well delivered! those overlaid vocals are spot on! great against that speech!
I agree with Bill - you are the choir! I think I'm going to go back and listen to the speech. Good stuff!
I had listened to the billwhite piece a few weeks ago, so this is cool to hear this song. The excerpt is expertly placed and the groove itself is interesting as it slinks and slides. Nice job, very groovy.
Lovely, lovely vocals and cool music, particularly the bass. It all sounds so atmospheric combined with the JFK speech. Nice listen!
Listening to this is rather like getting a deep tissue massage. I feel like I'm being stretched hither and yon, and then left to rest, before getting stretched again. That main vocal hook is definitely one that will be percolating in my mind for a while
Gorgeous bass work and laid-back production overall.
Love those vocals; straightforward and direct with no ambiguity.
Nicely done.
you dont need a choir you ARE the choir
Trippy, and that lazy groove goes in and sticks. More people should be talking about peace instead of letting orange idiots stir up hate and distrust. My favourite piece of JFK trivia is that legendary bass and Stick player Tony Levin once played for him, back in 1960!