Oscar Le Fox (part 1)

by @wobbiewobbit · @blakeravemusic

Skirmish: Urban legends (@lyricslinger)

Liner Notes

Blake wrote the words, just a little simple bed for our urban myth. we went way over skirmish time but it was still sort of skirmishy so posting as such.


Love šŸ˜ šŸ˜„
So cool! Looking forward to,the illustrated childrenā€™s book since the fox and socks could be a wonderful set of images.
Love this groove and the wonderfully whispered Oscar Le Fox over the delightful lyrics! My cat named Oscar is enjoying this!
Really love the way your two vocals are so different in style/delivery but interact so brilliantly. Itā€™s a fabulous slinky keys riff, in keeping with the songā€™s subject. Top skirmishing (who cares about the time thing anyway).
Even though this is a fraught tale of vulpine urban delinquency, it still raised a welcome smile today. Very cool arrangement, too. Nice one, folks!
Quite the character, taking the socks , no nickers or frocks. What a charmer! Fun to hear all about Oscar, and exploits.
wow, this is a great groove indeed, love the interplay of the vocals, and the whole thing is a great listen! would love to see the lyrics printed out...
The urban fox returns! ooo it is a person this time great groove - and i like oooosssssccccarrr the fox! poor oscar a second job! sounds what we would call a likeable larrikan. nice one