Shawano is the Place for Me

by @kahlo2013

Skirmish: Mountain (@atornberg)
Shawano is the Place for Me

Liner Notes


Lyrics: Me
Music: AI - iPhone Song AI

Heading to my hometown of Shawano, WI for a 47th Fish Fry dinner - and saw prompt of mountain so it was a natural marriage of ideas to write a quick lyric


there are no coral reefs in Shawano
there is no sugar sand ocean beach
there is no paradise that’s tropical
there are no tall swaying palm trees
but Shawano is the place for me

Shawano has a river and a lake
where fishing throughout the year is great
through the ice in a shack or from a boat
you can also water ski, drift, or simply float
oh, Shawano will always call me home

there are no mountain peaks in Shawano
there are no deep gorges and valleys
there are no glaciers and ice caves
there are no giant redwood canopies
but Shawano is the place for me

Shawano has a river and a lake….
where fishing throughout the year is great
through the ice in a shack or from a boat
you can also water ski, drift, or simply float
oh, Shawano will always call me home

amid pine, oak, and maple trees
sandbars and shorelines reach out to me
where there is pride in community
friends across ages and families

Shawano has a river and a lake….
where fishing throughout the year is great
through the ice in a shack or from a boat
you can also water ski, drift, or simply float
oh, Shawano will always call me home


Thanks @kahlo2013 - I hope your classmates enjoyed the song! I had an opportunity to sing one of mine for my college reunion class and it was an enjoyable experience
Thanks @ohljazz for your spot-on constructive comments that I appreciate. I agree with the goal of creating feeling and poignancy in a lyric and have written songs about my hometown in the past that have more of my personal reflections that I hope did that. I purposefully wrote this one to be a more generalizable uptempo fun light country song reflecting on a few of the things that I thought would be more universal to former classmates before our fish fry dinner reunion last night.
The best advice I got about writing lyrics is the idea that good songs make you think, and great songs make you feel. I'd love to see more about *why* you love Shawano so much, and why you prefer it to those other stereotypes of paradise. Maybe it's family memories ("when I see the dock I remember my father taking me out to fish,") or personal preference ("climbing is hard work, I just want to float out on the lake") - lots of options to make the story more emotionally powerful
Fine evocation of place and nostalgia for home.

While the AI arrangement is impressive, it's also easy to identify that the AI is calling on its massive data base of existing songs to come up with the music for this. Yes, it fits... and sounds like a Country Billboard hit - but the more I have been exposed to AI this summer, the more I feel its limitations and I am sure it will probably never create anything that you think "Wow!I have never heard anything like it!"

All that said, it is still a great tool for lyricists to hear a possible take on their lyrics.
I like the contrast between the stereotypes of lovely places and the real features of the place you love. I have a couple of thoughts about how to make this fine lyric even better if you're interested. Also, that AI music is spooky good.