The View From Here

by @newukenewyork

Liner Notes

“The View From Here” - #fawm 50/90 2024 song 52

Skirmish prompt from 2023: write from the perspective of an inanimate object.
My comment on the lyrics last summer: I didn't want to anthropomorphize my object too much, so I wrote as a window but kept the angle oblique.

Today I sat down to set this to music. I had to change some of the words to make it scan, and I started with the chorus. After setting some melody there, and then coming up with melody for the verses, I had some trouble putting them together. I'm not sure if they're in the same key??? But I made it work once I practiced the transitions a handful of times.

@sdcpaman set this to music beautifully last summer, but I don't seem to have a copy of that, so I think this melody is not at all based on that.

1 lyric draft left to finish from 2023…

All my originals:

#fuc #acoustic #acousticonetake #ukulele #personwithukulele #onetake #girlwithukulele #singersongwriter


In the dark, the glass a mirror
Showing reflections to the wood
Holds you, inside, reveals your closing face
The room in which you’re stood

The view from here is someone crying in the snow
The view from here is someone turning, not sure where to go
Through the glass are ripples of a dawn that fogs and clears
The edges smooth, the curtain wavers — that’s the view from here

The sun may catch upon the river
Flowing there just beyond the gate
And send the sparkles back like laughter
Dancing against the pane in play


Every season at your door
The windows lift like eyes for something more
The chimney leaves its smoke along the sky
The pathway to the river over leaves that stir and sigh



I have always wanted to hear you put this to music, and it was worth the wait. Beautiful version. I can send you mine from last year if you want to hear it. Let me know. I can post it or send via email. Great job.
Interesting concept--life from the viewpoint of a mirror. The inanimate object that sees us regularly at our silliest. And worst.

Great job! ❤️
your mirror is the most compassionate in the history of sentient mirrors. traditionally, it is death watching us from the other side of the mirror. you turn that myth on its head.
I really like the visuals this song paints -- fittingly, for a window! The stanza with the river is the big standout for this!

The rising vocals in the chorus truly tugged at my heartstrings. I hope that person figured out where to go!