Wow (look at us now)

by @mace66

Liner Notes

I think that humans started of reasonably well, discovering how to make fire, crafting shelter (and art), making tools and using them, learning how to cultivate food, creating machines to make labouring easier and building democratically run societies with rule structures for peaceful cohabitation.

Then somewhere along the line we went off track, oppressing and exploiting people and fighting wars over patches of dirt that we didn't really need (usually just to make some powerful person feel more powerful).

Now we seem to be in a world where people actively spread misinformation on line to cause mis-trust, fear and hate and rich people become richer on the back of pain and misery.

I did come up with alternative lines like - 'Started wars and put the proles on the front' or 'Making bombs that kill more than before' or 'Pollute the air and our drinking water' - but I didn't want the song becoming too long.

The first line, a disgruntled 'Hey, who's ringing that God darned bell!', is supposed to be a person ignoring the wake up call that we all need to do something before we charge obliviously towards extinction.

For the gear minded -

This was recorded on a Zoom R8 using the internal guitar effects and internal microphones. There are three tracks of vocals one panned left, one panned right and one central to give it a bit of depth. The 'bell' sound at the start is my newly purchased 8" triangle. The drums were recorded real time using an Alesis Performance Pad. The organ sound is a Casio piano voice. The guitars used were an Ovation Celebrity - for the wah-wah sound, an Epiphone SG for the distorted sound and a Squire Precision for the bass,

#indie #guitar #wah #protest #dystopian


Hey, who's ringing that God darned bell!

We were pleased when we first made fire,
It was cool when we took up tools,
Hiding out in a cave for shelter,
Painting beasts with our hands on the walls...

Wow...hey yeah, just look at us now.

Making use of the things all around,
Making pots out of clay and copper...

Wow...hey yeah, just look at us now.

Got together in much bigger groups,
Wrote things down and laid down the rules,
Made machines to make things quicker...

Wow...hey yeah, just look at us now.

Got slaves to make follies for Pharaohs,
Got greed and a lust for power...

Hey yeah, just look at us now.

Telling lies on the World Wide Web,
Making money from pain and disease.

Hey, wow... look at us now.

Look at us now, look at us now, look at us now, look at us now....


Wow, now...
Great boingy bass and funky wah wah. Love the lead guitar playing behind the chorus and the touches of 70s organ!
Really impressive one-man-band stuff here. Seems like not so many folks are actually playing every note on every track any more like you are. This is funky and fun as hell. Applause.
Great fun. A feast of tasty guitars and underlying funkiness (that Squier is definitely a keeper). Yuval Harari reckoned humanity's biggest mistake was agriculture; Douglas Adams wrote that "Many were increasingly of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place. And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans." Take a look at us now, indeed...
That's quite traumatic. Cool Stevie Wonder (?) wah and [spoiler alert] the take-off at the end helped sooth things. 👍

Neat addition to your 5090 percussion ensemble too.
Oh, this is so much fun, like schoolhouse rock does anthropology....I love how it just bops along and draws me in like cave painting must have done, and like scrolling my phone does commentary that feels so good and groovy - feels like a good example of how we get sucked in to wanting to be part of a crowd....
This bops right along - rockin' and funky. What an accurate indictment of the modern world. The scary thing is it will probably get worse with every generation. Man, that organ is great - would love to be able to lay down grooves like that. Some great lines that never made it in - maybe you could put another section (middle 8?) in there and explore these other undersides of humanity. Great song!
That is some awesomely groovy instrumentation - fills my headphones! Organ sound really stands out, but it's all great. Important message, too. Love this one!