Half Baked

by @chimpkin

Liner Notes


So many things started and then abandoned...


Why can’t you finish what you start?
You leave it half baked and full of mistakes
You never get very far
You fall to the back and spring your own trap

Oh you might say you even tried to pray but

What you spoke about
Can’t bear thinking of
Never repeat
The words that sound so sweet

What you thought about
Left me in no doubt
Nothing you can do
stops the truth coming through

Your writings on the wall
Are now a testament to your downfall
The candle drips it’s seal to hide it all, confide in one
The riders fast but minds are slow
The less the eyes and ears can know

Baby shine a light on me
On this cold dark night and we
can dream of the sea

Anything you want and it will be ours
Catch it in the water and cook it in our house
I know you don’t patronise the waves
Don’t know what you wanted when you named me

Why can’t you see things to the end?
You stop at the start and fall at the bend
You get distracted by the rain
When it all falls apart you’ve broken the chain

Oh you might say you even tried to pray but

What you spoke about
Can’t bear thinking of
your lips sound so sweet
when it’s left incomplete

What you thought about
Left me in no doubt
nothing you can say
To keep the wolves at bay

Your writings on the wall
Are now a testament to your downfall
The candle drips it’s seal to hide it all, confide in one
The riders fast but minds are slow
The less the eyes and ears can know

Baby shine a light on me
On this cold dark night and we
can dream of the sea

Anything you want and it will be ours
Catch it in the water and cook it in our house
I know you don’t patronise the waves
Don’t know what you wanted when you named me


Wow, this is so well put together. There's so much going on, the complex little rhythms and chord changes that you must have been channeling Brian Wilson!
Beautiful upbeat song. Took me back to the happy times with elements of nostalgia. Beautiful singing and playing. Love the atmosphere. Loving your vocals and playing.
I've listened to all four of your songs and they are all incredible, but this is my favorite so far. Your vocals are simply gorgeous, as is the production and instrumentation. You've got a real flair for doing compositions and arrangements that really hit me in my sweet spot (pay no attention to my own mostly countrified material--it's just what I'm able to do, not what I listen to). Sort of surprised you aren't a successful working artist, but then maybe you are. In which case, what the heck are you doing in Papua, New Guinea?
Enigmatic and moving. Great production and singing. The dynamics and chord progressions are really powerful. As it invades my mind I am thinking about the title -- it did draw me to click in the first place, but expecting something else, as Nancy says below. 'We Can Dream of the Sea' (don't know what you wanted when you named me).
Wonderful production, vocals, strings, horn, piano. Love the ocean setting. But I'm having trouble tracking what's going on. Is this a breakup song, or a song to a mother ('when you named me'), or what?
Ooooh. Gorgeous vocal - and it makes me lean in to listen to what feels like one of my own very civilized, well mannered inner critics. Then that Baby shine a light on me, and even more the Anything you want section - feel like this vulnerable true self, and then when you come back to the Why can't you finish things section there's so much gentle understanding and acceptance....It's like a whole book on Internal Family Systems Therapy in under four minutes. Wow. Also in the context of 5090 a reminder to me that I've got all these recordings of drafts of songs that I really could get around to posting, that they don't really need to be anymore baked than they are.....
Great title - also a Ben and Jerry's flavor 😄 Great melody and chord progression - you took some very cool unexpected turns. A very nice instrumental track, and very smooth and well done vocals. Really well written around your theme also. I enjoyed your song a lot.
What a lovely song! some really good lines and lots of them! very nice chorus! I love a good piano ballad and this is a good one! really top song!