My Banjo

by @mandolinda · @yewnorker

Liner Notes

I posted a comment in the forum about my banjo, and @yewnorker created a song lyric. I had to try playing my banjo once again. When I saw @nancycunning added a song to the lyric, I posted on YouTube, changing the lyric quite a bit to differ from Nancy’s song. I have never mastered singing and playing that banjo simultaneously. Somewhat disjointed in performance qualities.


There's a banjo in my closet

[Verse 1]
There's a banjo in my closet, hidden away
And a promise to learn to play that thing
There's a tune somewhere inside my head
A promise to learn, no regrets to tread

saw you in a music shop, gleaming bright
You looked so good, just had to stop
Picked you up. You felt just right
I thought I would, I thought I might

[verse 2]
I took you home I tried to coax a sound
Scratch n claw n pluck away, day after day
Distractions with life seemed to get in the way
Days slipped by, and you just got swept away


Now time has passed, we've both aged fine,
Like old friends sharing a glass of wine,
I'll be gentle, you'll be kind,
Together, we'll create a rhyme.

T'was a banjo in my closet, yearning to get out
T'was a tune swirling in my head, no doubt
Our song’s like the second time at romance
At last, got my banjo playing, now give it a chance.


Charming - video and music/vocal really capture the spirit of the words. Nice rolls on the banjo - fun to see you, and the quilt in the background is a wonderful touch, too.
It is great to hear you and see you playing banjos! I have a few very dusty banjos lying around that I might need to find before FAWM. This is delightful!
Excellent! I loved these lyrics and am so happy to find they found banjo music :) Linda did them justice. Great collab!
If i recall you actually started with a banjo - too be honest mandolinda is better ha ha well done!
This is a wonderful tune Linda! It's different enough to be a whole 'nother tune because you made it your own! Your banjo playing is just fine and adds so much. Now that your banjo is dusted off I hope you'll play it some more! Thank you!