Your Greatest Poem/Dein größtes Gedicht

by @ttg105 · @mahtowin

Liner Notes

#octolute #melodica #pennyfeathermahtowin

A bleak musical landscape lightened by @mahtowin's marvelous vocal.

the days by the sea
still resonate in me
Thanks to this melancholic and beautiful music by Mr. Pennyfeather I can bring my thoughts and feelings to music here!


Das Meer, das Meer, Dein größtes Gedicht,
will einen Zauber in unsere Herzen legen!
Jede Welle will uns bewegen!

Und Deine wilde weiße Gischt
reisst mich aus meiner Leere
zurück ins Leben!

Das Meer, das Meer, Dein größtes Gedicht,
wird einen Zauber in unsere Herzen legen!
Jede Welle wird uns bewegen!

The sea, the sea, your greatest poem,
wants to put a magic in our hearts!
Every wave wants to move us!

And your wild white spray
tears me out of my emptiness
back to life!

The sea, the sea, your greatest poem,
will put a magic in our hearts!
Every wave will move us!


I really love that guitar and the way you accent 1 & 3. The vocal washes over the listener, rather like the sea. I love the way you end the song. The rhythmic shift snapped me out of my reverie, and the melodica is lovely in that context. I'm wondering, who is the 'you' here? God? This one will stay with me. The vocal/melodica lines are still running through my head
As a younger man I surfed a lot. You've captured what it's like to sit on a board, waiting for a wave, then catching the wave, and the wave lifting your spirits. Thank you!
immersive music! just sink down into the chair and let the phones surround you! that guitar is so insstent and the vocals just roll over you!
What an awesome blending of eerie guitar and intriguing vocals. “Sirens of the sea” by @billwhite51 - exactly! Beautiful art!
i wouldnt call it bleak, but it is mysterious. the multiple voices are like the sirens of the sea ....but these are the sirens calling men to life, not to their deaths.
Beautiful painting and poetry. Mahtowin and Pennyfeather - the duo to listen to! Love how you change it up three quarters of the way through with new instrumentation. Beautiful collab!