Walk Out of the Darkness

by @kc_

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

#format #needsmusic #needscollab

The idea came while walking the dog this morning when a saw a "Walk out of the Darkness" fund raiser walk sign on our route. Took that line and followed it once we got home this morning. This is the first pass unedited, still needs a lot of work but like where it's going...


Walk out of the darkness

Walk out of the darkness
Don’t look down
The light is still there
It’s up all around

Call out from the darkness
Just make a sound
I’m calling back
And you will feel found

Lost in the darkness
Send up a flare
May day the best way
I’ll fly in there

A silent solution, A silent solution, A silent solution it's not

Only an end there’s no start
Your face in a corner
makes everything dark
Trust what I see,
Before the last dart
One eighty degrees sees
All of life’s art

Call from the darkness
On the deep moonless nights
Send up a flare
I’ll keep you in sight

Hold tight in the darkness
Knowing I’m on my way
Let’s passage the night, break dusk, into day


I really like the idea that this person has someone just waiting for them to reach out to for help. It feels safe and hopeful. Some very poetic and pretty lines throughout. Great start to work with!
Beautiful, imaginative lyrics. I hope to hear a gorgeous rock song.
yup , nice to hear dark and hope together - Very descriptive - cool!
I like the positivity expressed in these lyrics. Even in the darkness there's still a light there, a way out. Nice work
I love the imagery one can get when reading these lyrics. Anytime you're talking about the dark and the light, you know!? Please continue to develop it! :)