What's in the Box?

by @berni1954

Skirmish: Unopened package (@atornberg)
What's in the Box?

Liner Notes

A very late entry for the unopened package skirmish.
This was written and recorded within the allotted hour (just).

Instrument: Yamaha FG 180 (Red Label c. 1970)
Listen to that sustain at the end! This guitar is 54 this year and sounding sweeter every year.


(Em) My doorbell rang this morning so I looked outside
And there was (D) parked an Amazon (Em) van
I went to the door and slid back the chain
And (D) there stood a shifty looking (Em) man
"I've got this (C) package for your neighbour but he's not at home
Can I (G) leave it here for him, alright?"
I (D) nodded and added: "That'll be fine
I'll give it (C) to him when he (D) gets home to(Em)night"

(Em) Now me and this neighbour we're not on good terms
I'd (D) love to have something on (Em) him
His squeaky clean image is surely a front
And does he (D) really go so often to the (Em) gym?
(C) Maybe in this package there's evidence
He's a (G) pervert or has something to hide
The (D) only problem that I've got right now
Is how to (C) find out what it's (D) got in(Em)side

(C) Curiosity (G) killed the cat
And it's (D) killing me right (Em) now
I (C) need to know what's in that (G) cardboard box
But I (D) really don't know (Em) how

(Em) I've given it a shake but it offers no clues
I've (D) sniffed it and tried lifting the (Em) lid
But it's all held together with gaffer's tape
Makes me (D) think that he wanted it well (Em) hid
(C) Dare I cut it open, I could always claim
I had (G) thought that the package was mine
But (D) there's a witness, so that wouldn't wash
To not (C) knowing I may (D) have to be re(Em)signed

(C) Curiosity (G) killed the cat
And it's (D) killing me not to (Em) know
I've been (C) staring all day at that (G) cardboard box
But I (D) guess I will never (Em) know
I (D) guess I will never (Em) know
Un(D)less I try... but (Em) no...


Really clever and entertaining. A modern predicament. The guitar and vocal are perfect for this song.
I love that you're able to tell this tale in two minutes! Fun delivery both guitar and vocal. Love it!
(Just as the song was ending came a knock on my door - not Amazon, but a delivery,)
Very nice. I so much want to know what's in the box - but would be held back by the same moral and practical restraints. Sounds great.
ha h this is entertaining from the first line! we should all write songs about whats inside and why! that would be a fun challenge
AHAHAHAHA i burst out laughing at the second verse, so unexpected yet ... soooo relatable!!!

we once took in a package for our school administrator next door neighbor, fairly obviously containing an adult VHS tape by its dimensions and return address. when he came to pick it up he explained, extremely unnecessarily, that his brother was in the industry. all right then, Barry, enjoy your evening ... !
Man what a great story. I can really feel the curiosity. I can also feel the animosity. Guitar really filled in the tones that that the song needed. Great job.
You should've opened it. Blamed it on the dog, or something.
Okay, this is pretty funny, and catchy too. There's great suspense in the way you deliver the story. We, too, want to know what's in the box. Damn...we still don't know