Might Be a Bomb / Unconsidered Pointless Utterance to a Void Pt. 5

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: Unopened package (@atornberg)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Every song is just an unopened package until someone opens it and then probably leaves it behind. that’s a zong yes


It will arrive, middle of the night
Dropped off on the neighbor’s lawn
Your name inscribed
Do you dare to stare, contest, with the package there
Does it hold the cure to cancer
Or just a lousy ad
Does it beckon to come closer
Or make you second guess

Nobody touch it, might be a bomb
So which wire should you cut
Or should just leave it behind
Might be safer to get out of there
Than it is to risk your life
You don’t wish to see it detonate
Without a shield to hide behind

It could be lovely, could be nice
Would be a pleasant surprise
But you don’t know, what it may be
You just know that who left it there
Just wanted it to open
And if you left your own out there
You wish it would be opened


This sums up perfectly the fear in many unpopular politicians ' lives. That suspicion of something that may or may not be innocuous. Back in the bad old days of "the troubles" or else the times when ETA in Spain were active, such a scenario was common.
Songs are unopened packages, and I love what this one came out to be. So creative!