Your Choices Have Voices

by @nancycunning · @newukenewyork

Challenge: Short And Sweet
Your Choices Have Voices
nancycunning +1

Liner Notes

Nancy: This started as a Collaboration Classified on swapping verses or choruses.
@newukenewyork sent me a section which I decided was a first and second verse. I was excited to realize that a section I'd written the same day based on a hometown facebook feed worked as a third verse..... Then a chorus. Then I realized it counted for the Short and Sweet weekly challenge.
#acoustic #collab #guitar


You murdered me three years ago
But I had no idea
Took me this long to free my bones
From our mausoleum
Now I know everything you’ll say
You'll try to turn my head
But there’s no coming back this time
Cause Baby, I’m already dead

Your choices have voices
We're all calling you
Your choices have voices
So now what do we do?

Your choices have voices
We're all calling you
Your choices have voices
So now what do we do?

You hit the dead end on Memory Lane
You were probably chased by the cops
You had no registration
Just your sandwich baggie of pot

Your choices have voices
We're all calling you
Your choices have voices
So now what do we do?

Your choices have voices
We're all calling you
Your choices have voices
So now what do we do?


Love this collab. Great delivery too. Very catchy. I like that the voice is communicating from the grave. The verses could have taken the song to various places but I like that it goes to a catchy sing-song melody as a juxtaposition to the verses about death. 👏🎶
Excellent! I know what you two are thinking too. So now that we made such a success out of our first collab, now what do we do? Can't wait to find out!
What a great opening - really sets the scene - especially for the next holiday period. I can also imagine this as metaphorical; in an unhealthy relationship. It's crazy how the song progresses and sounds like it was written together rather than splicing together. Very catchy "choices have voices" section - really speaks to the social media phenomenon and spread of misinformation and false news. I've been listening to this on repeat as it's so short and sweet!
The third verse is my favorite, the dead end on memory lane /chased by cops. And the imagery and word choice on sandwich baggie of pot is great. Really liked the line Cause Baby, i'm already dead (after being murdered three years prior) is great as well.
Hey, I like it! The swingy melody and strong strumming beat is cool, and I never would’ve imagined that chorus or third verse, but it all works together. No changes on my end!