The Last Time

by @berni1954

Skirmish: The Final Time (@dr_griff)
The Last Time

Liner Notes

A late entry for the "Final Time" skirmish - which took place in the middle of the night in my timezone!

Recently I have been drawing on my own past for inspiration. This one is no exception. The only thing you might need to know is that from ages 15-18 I was a Royal Air Force Electronics Apprentice. That's where I met John Simon who was a fellow apprentice and to whom this song is dedicated. He got me writing lyrics and taught me to play the guitar on a wonderful small bodied twelve string, which I have never seen the like of since it died in the back seat of a car on a jot sunny day in.... Scotland!!!

Instrument: Yamaha FG180 (Red Label - Made in 1971)



I (Bb) started writing (F) songs when
I was a (C) fifteen year old light(F)weight
I (Bb) didn't play gui(F)tar back then
So I (Gm) wrote them with a (C) mate
We (Dm) planned to be Lennon and Mc(A)Cartney
Or (Dm) that's what we did (A) boast
But (Bb) we lost touch for(F)ever
When we were (C) sent to different (F) posts

You (Dm) never know if it's the (F) last time
You will (C) do anything you do
(Dm) Never know your (F) instant
When the (Gm) Reaper's gonna come for (C) you
So en(Dm)joy every (F) moment
Each e(Gm)vent life puts you through
You (Dm) never know if it's the (F) last time
You will (C) do anything you (F) do

I (Bb) fell for Clare in an (F) instant
On the (C) dance course where we (F) met
(Bb) She was the one, I (F) knew at once
This was (Gm) it! I was willing to (C) bet
We were (Dm) lovers for a (A) few short weeks
But my (Dm) dream would soon be de(A)nied
She (Bb) cut me off without (F) warning
When she (C) heard her Dad had (F) died


My (Bb) favourite Aunt (F) rang me up
When I was (C) busy with a (F) class
She was (Bb) in for a coronary (F) angiogram
She was a (Gm) very nervous (C) lass
I (Dm) reassured her as (A) best I could
It was rou(Dm)tine, I would ring the next (A) day
But she (Bb) died under the pro(F)cedure
And we (C) never spoke a(F)gain



each of these verses hit so different; it's cool how you tie everything together with the chorus. there's a lot to connect to here. i won't say too much but some memories came up, yeah.
Beautiful story telling and performance.
What a beautiful, bittersweet song and lovely performance. Thank you!
This feels a little like a duet between your tender young selves and your grown person self. What a soothing exhortation. I feel energized, excited and a little bit somber. Good to hear your voice, and thank you to John Simon for encouraging you to learn to play.