The Moon Saw Everything

by @newukenewyork

There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

Looking in my notebook for some unused lines to swap, I ran across a few lines that suddenly sparked a short lyric — even though I KNOW I write too many songs about the moon. 😂 Typed it out quick on the train, down to 3 percent phone battery.


I took my shadow to the shade so we could be together
I hummed a song to soothe it as the sun went down
The night settled around me but it wasn’t dark
The stars swam by like goldfish and the sky was round

And the moon saw everything…
It saw you haunting me
It saw me wanting you
It saw that we could never be
And the moon saw every thought
That flickered in my closing eyes
It saw me try love on for size
And knew it wouldn’t fit me right
The moon saw everything,
Rising that night

I slept awhile, I had a dream, under that inky scene
I woke to find it fleeing as the dawn crept in
The grass shimmered like I’d lost you but it wasn’t tears
The morning dew was all I had to wake up to again

And the moon saw everything…
It saw you haunting me
It saw me wanting you
It saw that we could never be
And the moon saw every thought
That flickered in my closing eyes
It saw me try love on for size
And knew it wouldn’t fit me right
The moon saw everything
Slipping from sight


I really like this! Great flow to these words, awesome first line, and I absolutely dig the way you reversed expectations in so many of the descriptions, like mirror images of how they first appear. I want to hear this! 😀
Really poetic lyrics that are just crying out to be turned into a song. Good work as well to get it finished before your phone battery ran out!
Classic open "I took my shadow to the shade so we could be together." Dug that line's uniqueness and how it set the stage here! Cool how you worked in "inky," too, then built on it to morning. Clever! Such fab imagery, meaning, and exposition throughout this write. Great job giving the moon its due!
Oh man, this is just soooo fabulous. I'm a sucker for moon songs anyway and write too many of them myself, but never, never anything as strong as this. Line after line on it is just terrific and the flow is simply butter. Please give it your absolutely very best musical treatment as it truly deserves it. Applause for this one!
"It saw me try love on for size" is a very cool lyric, along with the whole song. It would be cool to hear it one day!
Haha! I do the same thing--probably "too many" songs about the moon. It's probably built into us evolution-wise. These lyrics are great, though, and I hope you eventually put them to song! ❤️