Uncommercial Album

by @headfirstonly Mod

Uncommercial Album

Liner Notes

Decided I was going to write something and then record the demo solely with instruments I was playing by hand. No drum MIDI, no Superior Drummer; no sequencers; no VST synths. Just #acousticguitar, #electricguitar, #cowbell (hooray for #cowcore!) bongos, claves, tambourine, shakers, hand drums, and my Fender Jazz Bass.

I'm planning on this being the title track for the album I will be releasing this week for Bandcamp Friday.


This song's completely uncommercial
The lyrics barely even rhyme
If I could make it slicker, I'd have done so
But I don't feel like cheating with AI

(I see you're in to marketing.
Let me tell you how this goes:
Call my work 'nice product'
and I'll punch you on the nose.)

I've made an uncommercial album!
It's quite impossible to sell!
You'll notice I don't sound trimphant
All my other albums are as well!

And yes, I understand that one could argue
I missed a trick by sticking to 4/4
It's not the only signature available
And others might deter a purchase more

I see you've not proposed I make this catchier
So you can play it on your phonogram
You might believe my work is irredeemable
Quite frankly dear, I do not give a damn...


Ha ha ! uncommercial for the win. It's still quite funky and cool. Reminded me that I used to get a lot of use from claves, shakers, tambs, and sand blocks for percussion. It was actually a lot of fun to record that way.
A song I can relate to, all my music is uncommercial too (but not by design). Nice bass and rhythms/percussion. Love getting tactile when making sounds (just used my Vibra-slap, guiro, cowbell and home made cuica in a song - and not a sequencer in sight).
Yeah!! "Make it catchy, sell more..." - Love the message and performance in this!
Love the bass, love the solo. Nice shakers. :) Very cool...
a lot of people talk about their music this way, but only you and frank zappa have sung about it with appropriately uncommercial music (although yours is a little more commercial than his...but not in this decade)
I dunno, sounds pretty "commercial" to me.
So catchy.
Really excellent lyrics here for sure.
Effective approach with the "hands only" thing; sounds great.
Nice full headphone mix, as usual.
Great "phonogram/damn" rhyme.
Lovely bass line.
Sounds great with the 'by hand' approach, which I'm a fan of. I like how you flirt with the fourth wall too. Topic is so apt. Good luck with the release.
Probably a worse thing than having your art refereed to as 'product' would be thinking of it as product yourself. Like the chorus and 'All my other albums are as well!' is a nice reflection of the theme. Track has a nice feel to it. 'Phonogram' made me smile - such an archaic term to use.