The Duel

by @ttg105

Liner Notes


I've been reading German author Hans Fallada ("Alone in Berlin" is one of the best books I've ever read), so I did a bit of research and came across this remarkable tidbit on Wikipedia:

"In 1911 he made a pact with a friend, Hanns Dietrich von Necker, to stage a duel to mask their suicides, feeling that the duel would be seen as more honorable. However, because of both boys' inexperience with weapons, it was a bungled affair. Dietrich missed Fallada, but Fallada did not miss Dietrich, killing him. Fallada was so distraught that he picked up Dietrich's gun and shot himself in the chest, but somehow survived. Nonetheless, the death of his friend ensured his status as an outcast from society."

Perfect fodder for a song.


You shoot me
I shoot you
and both our
troubles are gone
The problem?
you missed
so I shot myself
but lived


Damn, that is one crazy story. That's some really lovely guitar playing, and a devastating story. Wouldn't it be great to bring in a string quartet on this one? One suggestion: maybe replace "the problem?" with "what could go wrong?"
Interesting story. I love your adaptation of it in a song!
Yup, that's my kind of song inspiration for sure.
I'm liking all the space you've left here at the beginning (and throughout).
The octolute sounds a bit distressed and apprehensive.
Haunting octolute makes a dramatic entrance, then keeps up the mood. Voice just right for the song. What a story. What inhumanity in the history.
What a wild story! Classic ttg vocals and drums! Welcome back. :)
that is some story. ive never heard of the author, let alone the story (ill have torectify that) brilliant job of condensing to the most significant words, and singing to that incredible guitar.the melodica climax was pretty swift as well.
I can hear a feeling of huge despair and grief through the lines and the music!
As said, never read something of one of our greatest authors and therefore i‘m glad to get to know something very dramatic of his life!
I also appreciate the time you gave this song to enfold - and, oh, this sad melodica!