The Way We Are

by @lbrewington

Liner Notes

I don't even know. I don't even want to know. Shout out to my boy J.T.


d - c - g - d
vulnerability is just an excuse
to hide behind a pillar of pain

and poetry never got anyone
a modern dosage of fame

the youtube boys been working overtime
to disseminate all of the chords

and if the ai hasn't written your song
than your neighbor will he's just next door

c am
the highest bidder is taking a risk
it's kickbacks right to the top

they're willing to redfine what is art
at least inside of your heart

c am
it's not another papal indulgence
c g
it's just the we way are

the latest place cost five thousand cakes
they got the the latest plugins to date

they'll tune your voice till it don't sound right
and that is what people will like

and you'll sell your soul for a pepsi or coke
whatever is hip at the time

and when they write your memoir's at the end of your life
all the lies will sound just right


em am
i'm gonna write the sweetest of love songs
and play it for you every day

i'm gonna pay hundred thirty five dollars
to copy right my brain

i'm gonna shake my little ass until my clothes fall off
i'm gonna have you naked by the end of this song


now this is the kind of protest song i like. mo finger pointing, nowbrainwashed quotes from cnn and fox...just telling it like it iswhen nobody else is doing so.making people think about what is going on bebeath the surface. then ending it with an earhty turnaround that cuts through all bull shit and lays it out clearly what we really want.
What a great take on the whole AI thing in music. Less judgmental than resigned, I feel. There's something about your melodies that I connect with and this one is no exception.