The Go-Getters

by @ttg105

Liner Notes

#monsterbass #chaosguitar #postpunk

Had to whisper the vocals. Enjoyed mangling the guitar.


Turn the woolen sweaters back into sheep
turn the newspapers back into trees
tell the go-getters to go back to sleep
back to sleep

Turn the leather jackets back into cows
tell the go-getters why and how


Love the title! Good lyrics and nice vocals. Love the bass and those guitars! Wow!!
Back for another listen. I really like this one. If The Go-Getters isn't an actual band name, it should be
I thought I was done listening for the day, but your tags got me.
A real Joy Division vibe here, which is always a good thing.
I'm loving the big fat bassline.
Someday you're gonna have to tell me how you do that to your guitar.
Yeah, that guitar.
I read the first line before heading off to make some coffee. It's a great line that got me thinking about all the processes we could reverse. It sounds like you recorded this in some sort of satanic mill where orcs are working to turn railroad tracks back into rock-filled ore, which is to say, it kicks ass
Coming back to listen now:
Very gothic! Also groovy! Love this driving bass and the chaos guitar! Th whispered vocals gives it a mysterious touch.
Cool sound! Good ending!
Super cool bass, guitar, and whispering vocals. And those drums - oh, yeah!!!
muzzy fuzzy bass! it sits well with the whispers. feel like a coiled spring breaking free. white stripes meets the pixies. very compelling
the heavier the bass, the more mangled the guitars. then there are the drums banging beneath the bass. this should be an anthem for the green party.but only if they "Play it fuckin' loud!"
My circumstances don‘t allow me to listen actually but after I read @ayais comment i‘m so fucking curious!
Love the roaring then mincing chaos guitar. This'll teach those damn go-getters! The stew boils, the big pieces rise to the top, then it drops back to a simmer, then back to full boil. Good dynamics. No need to wonder what the sheep, cows and trees will be like once they're re-constituted, I guess. Maybe a little spindly. Hope they can still stand up.