
by @miga


Liner Notes

Inspiration: Rabbi Simcha Bunam of Pzhysha once said to his students: "Everyone must have two pockets, so that he can reach into the one or the other, according to his needs. In his right pocket are to be the words: 'For my sake was the world created,' and in his left: 'I am but dust and ashes.' "

You'll see which pocket I chose.

8/28 was our anniversary and I read that 6 planets were aligned early that morning - that seems auspicious. Another inspiration for the song. Did I mention that I have a most excellent husband?

For the record, I do not in fact believe that I am a series of planets or birds. Hopefully the hyperbole communicates something.

Plus it was just a lot of fun to write.

Speaking of origin, I am half Latina. I come by it honestly. And nothing says 'dancing' to me like these rhythms.

Also, I used Apple Live Loops "Gozadera Latina" to create the song.

#fawmtronica #latinpopvibe


I had a dream that the moon and the stars were parading before me
Ay! And the planets lined up in a solemn-sweet dance to remind me:
Iā€™m a small thing

but I, I am Mercury and Mars
Jupiter and Saturn
spinning on their axes
and I live beyond the starry night
in the origin of light
and the universe is for me

I saw a cardinal flying, the ruby red wings of an angel
Ay! The birdsong is chorus to some larger verse to remind me:
feathers bear me up

Yes I, I am eagle, I am sparrow
starling and a heron
navigating heaven
and I go beyond the tree to sky
and the origin of flight
and the universe is for me

(ayayayayayelo, ayayayayayelo)

Para mi (for me)
Para mi
Para mi
Todo existe para mi (everything exists for me)

(ayayayayayelo, ayayayayayelo)

I am Mercury and Mars
Jupiter and Saturn
dancing in a pattern
and I live above the starry night
in the origin of light -
the whole universe is for me


That's such a great quote to pull from for your inspiration. Thanks for sharing it. I love the beat and vibe of this song. It's the good kind of infectious. Terrific work.
wow, this is an amazing and uplifting creation! love the whole ethos of the lyric, the contradictions and sweep of it all, and the music and arrangement are perfect for this! great work, really enjoyable listen!

and I love that little dross by the rabbi in your liner notes- I did not know that one!
I love the Latin vibe you have going. The "ays" and "I's" throughout serve as a wonderful structure and are super catchy. The song origin (pun intended šŸ˜„) is really interesting - it sounds like this song was meant to be. Excellent vocals - love those harmonies. Really great production too!
Very nice vibes and beautiful vocals and playing. Sounds very different to your usual singing and playing which is always lovely, but of a different tember and style.
Even more fun is that both pockets are ultimately true, from a certain point of view...

What a delightful, danceable romp of a song!
Love the latin feel, your voice and the great 'I am Mercury and Mars ...' chorus
Aren't song triggers wonderful!? Those myriad phrases, events and memories (and awesome partners, natch!) that lead us who-knows-where can be glorious.

Anyway. I really liked the instrumentation on this: Latin beats, staccato guitar chords and twinkly, swirly synth tones. šŸ‘
Wonderful song and arrangement lovely performance. Happy anniversary so nice to hear your joy expressed
wow so catchy - that is a great pop latin vibe that is really popular now ie Camila Cabello! top class radio ready song! love it