Time Is Just The Play of Things (Neither Matter Nor Void)

by @freshspotlessyouth

Liner Notes

Okay, this is really just the previous song I posted. I put that one up because I couldn't find the groove. This is more what I had in mind. There's a ton of stuff even I could fix. However, as I say ad nauseum, I'm an idea man, not an execution man. There's 8 bars for some sort of synth or guitar goodness, but I didn't know what to do.

This is my continued meditation on Lucretius's On the Nature of Things: "No one can say he senses time as such, apart from the motion or quiet rest of things. For if they say, 'Helen is kidnapped, the Trojan People are plunged into war', we had better watch out lest they make us confess these really ARE, when the people affected by these accidents irrevocable time has swept away."


Let’s say that Helen is kidnapped
And Troy sacked
It’s people plunged into war
We’d best be careful what we say
For those people are neither matter nor void
Their homes
Their hopes
And their joys
Are neither matter nor void
Matter is touched
And the void remains untouched
But those people can’t be touched anymore

Yet ever so lightly
Ever so lightly
Helen brushes me on the cheek
She leans in and nightly
Takes off her nightie
Helen brushes me on the cheek
She says the words
She says the words
I love you is something to keep
She says the words
She says those words
I love you is something with teeth

I regret donuts uneaten
Not time passed
Time is just the play of things
We’d best be careful what we say
For those donuts are are no longer deep-fried rings
Their dough
Their holes
And their glaze
Are no longer in our way
Matter’s touched
And the void remains untouched
But those donuts can't be touched today

They’re accidents in time and space
Matter in the void is placed
In motion
And then
One day
Swept away

I regret donuts uneaten
Not time passed


Such a clear, soft and full sound from the get go. I found my head bopping throughout the whole song.
Lovely mood. I like the laid-back arrangement and the mix of singing and speaking. "I love you is something to keep" is a great line. Guitar and vocals sound great!
The whole concept is intriguing, and my brain kind of exploded when Helen paid a visit to this side of the void. I regret the donuts, also, and need to go back and study Lucretius. Thanks for the metaphysical ear candy.
This is so dang smooth and introspective but in an open and expansive way, I think. I like this.
I'm still thinking, in rushed moments swooping towards or away from my desk, about things being neither matter nor void. So this part of your song cycle has clearly drawn something on my brain.

Gosh darnit though, I keep forgetting to go for donuts. I've been craving some for like two weeks!
a good ides man i think - and i like the delivery style but wow if you had the the whole of FSY to support you the world would be your lobster!
The uneaten donuts make me think about Heaven Official's Blessing, where the hero (a god) is asked how he was killed hundred of years ago, and he says he can't recall clearly, because having a limited memory, he'd rather remember the delicious buns he ate the day before than some battle that happened centuries earlier.
I didn't quite understand what bothered you, because both the lyrics and the music are really nice -- but being myself a perfectionnist who tends to focus on what's not satisfying, I think I can relate.
We have to remember that in the end, listeners decide whether the song is a success or not. I say this one is a success.
i loved the earlier version, but this take is even better.
This is different but also very good!
Maybe you should open this for a collab? So somebody helps you with that?