Rainy Night in Grimsby

by @strumandstress

Liner Notes



You think that I don’t exist I’m just someone you ignore
I’m not someone you have kissed You don’t know me that’s for sure
And yet I can still have dreams Although they may not come true
I’d love a rainy night in Grimsby If I could spend it with you

It’s called unrequited love Only I will feel the pain
I wish on the stars above You would notice me again
And yet when I feel depressed I imagine what to do
I’d love a rainy night in Grimsby If I could spend it with you

Some think that romance is dead and that I have lost the race
I’ go back inside my head I imagine your sweet face
I don’t care where I may be so long as you are with me too
I’d love a rainy night in Grimsby If I could spend it with you


Came for the title (I'm from GY) and stopped overnight for the tune. Lovely melidyband sentiment. Needs a middle 8 maybe?

@headfirstonly "Come to the dry side of England" if I may quote the poster.
Yeah, feeling the sentiment of this one quite strongly today (don't ask...) and yet there's a nice touch of humour lurking within to leaven the bleakness. But is there any other sort of night in Grimsby than a rainy one?