My Heart on the Cliffs/Mein Herz auf den Klippen

by @ttg105 · @mahtowin

Liner Notes

#ethereal #dreamy #nature #bilingual

Love the way @mahtowin weaves the English and German together into a gorgeous vocal symphony.

Note: Just got back from Ireland, where I walked many a cliff. Unfortunately, the only lyrics I came up with were "The f***ing wind nearly blew me off the cliff" ...

@mahtowin: I spent one week in the Normandy in France by the sea. The wind was always blowing and playing with the sea … and I LOVE it!


The wind, the wind!
My heavenly child!
Be my guide!
Be my friend!
Be my dancer!
Till the end!

Am Horizont berührst Du mich, spielst mit meinen Kindern
- hebe ich die Arme, kommt Dein Sturm! Etwas sehr Altes erinnert sich,
wenn wir uns begegnen!

Der Chor der Wellenkinder sing:

The wind, the wind , ...

Über mir öffnest Du Dein unendliches Blau für mich!
Meine Füsse im Seegras!
Mein Herz auf den Klippen!

The wind, the wind ...
The wind, the wind!
My heavenly child!
Be my guide!
Be my friend!
Be my dancer!
Till the end!

You touch me on the horizon, play with my children
- if I raise my arms, your storm is coming!
Something very old remembers when we meet!
The wave children's choir sing:

The wind, the wind ...

You open your infinite blue for me!
My feet in the sea grass!
My heart on the cliffs!

The wind, the wind...


Lovely guitar to set it up and such lovely vocals to top it off! natural elements are really something else - even if they nearly blow you off the fking cliff at times. i think the bilingual words really add to the effect and of course who could not enjoy the melodica
I didn't even notice that the lyrics were bilingual, that's how cool this song is. I come from the Fylde; it's the flattest stretch of coastline anywhere in the UK and it really doesn't do cliffs at all (but it does have some fine golf courses). I think that's why I find cliffs such invigorating and exciting places. And I can hear that excitement here.
pennnyfeather the sea, mahtowin the wind. what a magical combination.
Such a lovely blend of voices, languages, strings, and wind. Wonderful collaboration!
Welcome back! Beautiful guitar! I can hear the wind blowing through the vocals as if I’m on the cliff, too!
Beautiful. Love that you both went to do background research on the topic. Captures the feeling of looking over the sea, one of the glories of nature.