Quitting's Not My Style

by @headfirstonly Mod

Quitting's Not My Style

Liner Notes

Once again, I'm trying to experiment with different approaches to production here. And this one was prompted by the realisation that while music continues to be an unbounded source of joy for me, actually quitting something that's not fun any more is actually a very healthy thing to do (I recently stopped doing regular live streams on Twitch and feel much better for having done so.)


Some things I've tried to stick at
Have just made me annoyed
More tempting just to walk away
than screaming at the void

We seem to spend most of our time
On things we hate to do
And yet, instead of changing them
we say we'll stick it through
Each of us needs a moment when
we see how strange this seems
A life is more sustaining
when spent following your dreams

The fact I get to do this
Is all that makes me smile
What makes you think I'd give it up?
Quitting's not my style...

Some things I truly care about
Though they don't love me back
It's what I think I give to them
Not what I think I lack

Some things I'll keep on doing
Until I shut up shop
If something's worth pursuing
Why would I want to stop?


it is indeed, knowing when enoughs enough. or when to go on. got good lifts! nice swirly synths.
Full and fun mix, with great snippets of wah wah wonder and other tasty stuff drifting in and out. I'm wondering who you're speaking to ...
That intro had me questioning if it was an HFO song, but then the rest of the groove came in and I was reassured. :-) Love the message and very cool layers.
Like the use of brass stabs in this. This song and the last one have been an interesting change of production feel. I like the lyrics in the 'We seem to spend' section make a good point and the chorus reaches out and grabs you.
Ooh, excellent groove on this! Especially when the horns come in! And that dirty synth works really well. Your vocal delivery and the whole feel gives a whiff of Roxy Music meets Outside era Bowie, while not sounding really like either, ha (that's meant to be high praise, but the way!)
Ha! Changing habits is simple but not easy! I can totally relate to your lyrics!
The sound of the music is so, so fat and solid! The trumpets and the bass are funky!
Love to listen!
Solid. Teeny hints of Danny Elfman meets Thomas Dolby. Great lyrics. Kudos.
I like the words, and your vocal approach, musical sounds and vibe were uplifting. Yeah, I like that. Quitting's Not My Style. Very relatable.