If I Could Play Guitar

by @charlie_leemburg

Liner Notes

I think this is a sign I need to put more synth is the remaining tracks of this album, I don't know it always seems to work out better.
Anyway this song was originally included in an old album of mine, this version is completely different except for the title.
Gonna be thinking about the good lyrics for the good songs

Let me not forget to tag it this time: #electronic #singersongwriter

Aaand predictably banished by the algorithm


If I could play guitar
Maybe they'd think I'm better than I really am
If I could play guitar
Maybe I could strike a chord again
Maybe you'll see me
Maybe you'll know my name
Maybe you'll see me
Maybe you'll want to hear me again

If I could play guitar
Maybe I'd feel less like a fraud
Who has to rely on a computer
To play his part
If I could play guitar
Maybe I'd have more friends
Maybe I'd have some success
Maybe you'd think I'm worth your attention

They all said you've gotta spend your time
But I ain't got the time
You may act like we have all the time in the world
But you know that no one does
Said you gotta put in the effort
Until your fingers are calloused
Put in the effort
Until you don't sweat it

And in a dream
I can see myself upon a stage
Wearing some shades
Totally rocking out

If I could play guitar
Then I could play the songs I want
They would turn out the way that my mind thought they'd turn out
If I could play guitar
I'd have a million, billion faces
Looking my way and recognizing me for who I am

But in the end
No matter how much we like
To pretend to be something we're not
When we have to prove it's what we got
It all falls apart

And I'll go back to pulling strings
I'll go back to pulling strings


Well, this strikes a chord with me. I like the way it charges ahead, as well as the plaintive lyrics and vocal. Love the little instrumental interlude. Maybe I should go back to pulling strings myself