Songs About Dogs

by @jtsteam · @marilisa

Songs About Dogs
jtsteam +1

Liner Notes

So this just happened. A bunch of filkers in a room tried to write a #filk song in about 45 minutes starting from no preconceived ideas. What could possibly go wrong? Featuring whatever instruments were handy and a canine chorus from the, er, dog barketing moard.

Only one of the assembled crowd has a FAWM username, but really the credit should go to "MillCon 3" rather than any individuals.

Edit: Yes, we know there are filk songs about dogs. It's "not enough", not "no", and if you go to a filk circle (at least in my experience) you'll hear a lot more cat songs. What actually happened here was rather fun and illustrated how songwriting can sometimes work. That is, we were looking for ideas, someone said "there's not enough filk songs about dogs", that line got sung over some chords and became an obvious hook and it just grew from there into a song, inside about 45 minutes. I definitely recommend this exercise!

The first voice you hear is that of Isobel Masheder who wrote an excellent dog song called "Laika".


Sit! Stay!
This is why we're here today

[C]Filk songs about [F]aliens
Or [C]vampire [G]bats
[C]Filk songs with [F]zombies
And [C]too many about [G]cats[G7]

But there's [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [Am]dogs
There's [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [C]dogs
[F]Plenty of [G]filk songs that go [C]mentioning the [Am]mogs
But [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [C]dogs

There's a [C]compre[F]hensive
But [C]not e[F]nough music
That would [C]flatter [G]dogs

[C]Not enough [F]filk songs
For [C]canines to en[G]joy
[C]Even though I've [F]been
A [C]really good [G]boy[G7]

But there's [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [Am]dogs
There's [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [C]dogs
[F]Plenty of [G]filk songs that go [C]mentioning the [Am]mogs
But [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [C]dogs

It [C]seems that the [F]tail
Is [C]wagging the [G]cat
[C]We're not going [F]to sit
And [C]beg for [G]that

So [C]here we're [F]trying
To [C]even the [G]score
At [C]our meeting of the [F]dog
[C]barketing [G]moard [G7]

But there's [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [Am]dogs
There's [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [C]dogs
[F]Plenty of [G]filk songs that go [C]mentioning the [Am]mogs
But [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [C]dogs

[C]Here's the [F]problem
[C]We have [G]found
There's [C]not enough [F]lyrics
That [C]mention [G]hounds


But there's [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [Am]dogs
There's [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [C]dogs
[F]Plenty of [G]filk songs that go [C]mentioning the [Am]mogs
But [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [C]dogs

There's [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [Am]dogs
There's [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [C]dogs
[F]Plenty of [G]filk songs that go [C]mentioning the [Am]mogs
But [F]not enough [G]filk songs about [NC]SQUIRREL!


Oh, my goodness, those harmonies are so unexpected and beautiful. Great collabarkation.
I need to play this to my pair! nice doggie filk song! I love that live liveliness! what fun
There are a LOT of filk songs about dogs and you may hear many of them at your next circle once this gets out. Stray Dog Man, Pilgrim (a Tine) by Ben Newman and The Kid and the Dog by Norma McPhee (chorus and music by Stone Dragons) are among the best. Even Phil has some and we are cat people.
He’s nobody’s doggy now…. This sound fun!
Filk songs about dogs include Bill Sutton's "Stray Dog Man" and Duane Elms' "Ghost Puppies in the Sky." @billwhite51 There aren't a lot, but there are some.
This crowd is having entirely too much fun. And so am I while listening!
is it even possible to write a filk song about a dog? Well, maybe you could write one about Laika.
Excellent work from the barketing moard. I howled along, and then got squirreled. What more could you ask for in dog song? :)
Oh, I suppose the cats will allow the canines an occasional song...