Calls the Shots / Unconsidered Pointless Utterance to a Void Pt. 1

by @charlie_leemburg

Skirmish: I don't care (@atornberg)
There is no demo for this song.

Liner Notes

y’all gotta stop giving me prompts that trigger my frustrations with the magic algorithm
In all seriousness go listen to people who have been forgotten by the algorithm (like me /j)
No shade to the people responsible for the algorithm of course

But watch this skirmish go to page 1 while all my other songs get to start off pages down, (you know I called it, it is on page one after uploading)

Anyway don’t let all that define the meaning of these lyrics


I received you complaints
Frankly I don’t know why you’d spend so much time
To make sure that it all rhymed
I only know because I just read each last word
Yes, I could have read the whole thing
But I don’t care

I can hear the protests coming through my window
Can’t make out a single word but I don’t care
I heard you had some status
I heard you had some money
Well buddy, good news
I don’t care about you

They’re gonna tell me how wrong I am
I’m gonna tell them how wrong I ain’t
Cause who calls all the shots?
Three guesses, you still know not
It’s all coming out the left ear
And I don’t care

Well maybe I should be
Maybe I should be
Maybe I should be a little nicer
But maybe I don’t care
Maybe I don’t care
Maybe I don’t care about how I’m perceived

Cause everybody knows they’ve got something to do
They haven’t got time to worry bout me or you
Cause if you had to worry bout everyone in the world
Soon you’ll be too busy to do anything else
That is why we make sure those not worth your time
Are firmly placed somewhere out of your sight


I feel the same way sometimes. Words don't need to follow someone else's prescription. Your choices don't need to follow someone else's prescription. I feel this one.
There is a real "Positively 4th Street" feel to these lyrics. 😉
I like the attitude you bring to the lyric and the perspective which fits the prompt so well.