An Encounter

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#instrumental #progressive #fusion #sixstringbass #eightstringguitar
I have no idea where this came from. I sat down for ten minutes to record a nylon guitar piece this morning and my muse hijacked the session and this came out instead.


14 strings of bliss! Once the bass and guitar kick in so do the drums, I always really like the detail in your 'drumming'. It is like there is one overall tune, but if you tune your ear, there are lots of separate things happening at once, almost like several tunes within tunes. Trust the muse.
Isn't it amazing that one can sit down to do something specific and then produce something entirely different?!?
Like, how does that happen?!?
As usual, I'm loving those big slabs of bass in my headphones.
Great subtle headphone mix.
This is so nice and uplifting, if that makes sense.
Yeah, excellent work here.
Really smooth. It became a bit more energetic than I expected from the intro. That sort of fusion vibe is really cool. Well played. Your muse knows what it’s doing.
That quiet and restful intro is immediately soothing, like drifting clouds. It's a perfect appetiser for what is to follow. And when the main course arrives it gently carries me away into smooth, jazz fusion/prog crossover bliss. That lead synth is just my sort of thing!