No Rest (Cottage on the Hill)

by @complexissimple

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Liner Notes

Was watching Cyrano and this just kind of came out. Been sick with one thing after another for ages, my voice was breaking like crazy throughout this. The transcription can probably be broken up more consistently into verses and lines and things so you can see what's what, but my arms are getting tired honestly. #improvisation #improv #musical

Also, does anyone else think Peter Dinklage looks like Hugh Laurie?


There can be no rest for me
No respite from this storm
There will be no loving arms
To hold me safe and warm
This evening

Take a breath
That's all that you need
If it's all that you have
Carry yourself
As though on a steed
Above the riff-raff
If you want
... If you can

There will be no rest for me
Not any day or night
There can be no certainty
But I know that I'm right
About this

Isn't there a memory
Of a cottage on a hill
I dreamed about so desperately
I almost see it still
And yet I never will

There can be no rest for me
The rest of you can
Say your prayers and
Tumble down
Most anywhere
I'm afraid I
Have to care

If I could build
That cottage on the hill
I'd take a breath
And nevermore be ill
I'd never have to hold myself
So still and silent
Lest I grow violent

But there can be no rest for me
They have to tie me down at night
Or I will wander aimlessly
To find the place I can alight

No I have have never
Known a time
I did not feel
The urge to climb
Up that hill
The one that I'm
Dreaming of
In my tired mind
But there will be no rest
Those arms I'll never find
I'm an unholy pest, I know
This evening
Don't say I didn't warn you, though


I can see the Dinklage/Laurie resemblance! Lovely melody here -- and "There will be no rest for me" is a great line to repeat and come back to.