Zoning Out

by @headfirstonly Mod

Zoning Out

Liner Notes

A song about brain fog, which has been kicking my butt for the past week or so.

No synths at all on this one. #warrguitar for the bass, Ibanez RG770 and G&L S-500 guitars, Superior Drummer 3, and me.


I'm trying to put into words
The reasons why this project got so delayed
Quite frankly, work is absurd
The only thing I like about it's when I get paid

My mind is up in the air
and sadly lacking any destination
I can't be bothered to care
I'll just devote myself to procrastination

I keep zoning out
Lost in the beyond
My mind keeps roaming out
off into the blue
I keep zoning out
Totally gone
Been postponing all
The tasks that I did not attend to

I don't have any excuse
And vague apologies are all that I've got
Concentrating's no use
I think it's safe to say my focus is shot

My brain's reduced to a blob
My expertise has largely gone up in smoke
I pushed too hard on this job
And drove my thoughts beyond the point where they broke


Nice tones. This actually made me look up brain fog and I can relate. Sounds inspired by 80s Crimson. Cool.
yeah the fog is real for mamy reasons. strong guitar! you/we just hope the fog blows away
Love the chorus! I think the lyrics of the prechorus are good but somehow it doesn't work for me as a buildup to the chorus. Not sure why. Nice guitar solo. I think the drums could be a little more to the front of the mix. They sound like they are in the back of the hall.
It would appear that brain fog lifted at least for the duration of recording of this track. Pre-chorus and chorus are really effective - the chorus is especially good. Love the bass and the guitar has a sharp rock feel to it.