No More Music

by @brisk

Liner Notes

I’ve lost the will in recent weeks but am feeling a bit more like doing some songs now.

This is necessarily very basic as I’m away from home and recording on a phone. Hopefully you get the gist. It is the product of about half an hours work.


Love’s A…

This loves a boarded venue
Where music used to play
If you want pretty music now
Then records are the way
You have a wealth of memories
To keep the night at bay
But this loves a boarded venue
Where music used to play

This loves a sad rejoinder
That no-one else would say
This Loves a frozen ocean
Beneath a sky of grey
And though it seems to suit you
For a decade or a day
This loves a frozen ocean
Beneath a sky of grey

This Loves an empty venue
Where no more music plays


an effective metaphor for a love that is now grown cold and silent. a sad song, but sung with the comfort of the acceptance that comes ith the passing years. beautifully played and sung.
Well worth that 30 mins and some! Moving a bit in nick drake or even Elliot Smith land and that’s a pretty big compliment from my view! Really like this very hypnotic but sad!
Lovely and to the point. Very creative metaphors and images!
Very nicely put together. Really like these lyrics and your vocal. Impressed with what you can do with recording on a phone (although the guitar "scratches" are a little...much). ❤️
I’m glad the muse is vaguely back in the general vicinity. Nice arpeggios, with some sweet changes and typically brilliant melodic flourishes (particularly love the fifth and sixth lines). You don’t get the word ‘rejoinder’ enough in songs these days. That travel guitar sounds really cool, kind of like a koto or banjo or something. Great holiday track :)