Not Alive Anymore

by @berni1954

Not Alive Anymore

Liner Notes

This is for the "TITLE CHALLENGE"

The song title I picked to use was "Not Alive Anymore" a ghost story by @lyricslinger

Here's the original:

Instrument: Baton Rouge 8 String Baritone Ukulele
#fuc #baritoneukulele


(Em) You can still touch me, my (D) skin is still warm
But (C) something within me has (D) started to transform
The (Em) bleeding has stopped, but I (D) know I'm done for
I'm (C) lying midst this rubble, a (D) victim of the (Em) war

These are my last thoughts as my mind's going blank
I enjoyed my life, for that I give my thanks
I never took sides, as some did in this town
But that couldn't save me from the missiles raining down

For those that have killed me I feel no bitter hate
It is the will of God, or maybe it's just fate
I guess I was in the wrong place or time
We all must face our end, I'm guessing this is mine

Of one thing I am glad, we never had a son
The orphans in this hell find it hard to carry on
If my love has survived the bomb that hit our floor
May she have a good life, I'm not alive anymore


Your descriptions are so vivid that I can put myself in this character's place. I see and feel what is happening. Powerful and moving. The guitar and vocal are a perfect fit. The melody reminds me 'He's Alive'. Nice take on the challenge!
Oh gosh, this hits hard and deep with the graphic images and poignant reflections. Beautiful thoughtful response to war with a pointed powerful perspective.
Poignant song. Sad story reminding me of a piece from Grade 3 ABRSM, not musically but it is cold a Sad Ghost which is what your story is about. Beautiful singing and playing.