Some Dreams Give Me Hope

by @musicsongwriter

Liner Notes

After lost dreams skirmish I felt like composing yet another dream piece. I did compose it under an hour but then had some technical difficulties with fl studio. I noticed that my rendering makes the music finish with the pausing for rather a long time. When I searched it, I found out that it's a common problem. The suggestion of changing to cut remainder made the music finish with some noise at the end, then I tried to follow some advice on youtube where people were thanking the video creator for his advice. By following it, I had no music played at all. So had to go back to leave the remainder and cut the end part using Audacity which is annoying as I don't understand why I need to use Audacity when I'm using fl studio. Technical things aside, here is my instrumental. Thank you for listening and for sharing your thoughts. My music is open to collaborations. Please let me know if you are interested.

#dreams #hope #instrumental #collaborationswelcome

/Some Dreams Give Me Hope' © 2024 Nadia Cripps, Music, Keyboard, Demo and Photo by Nadia Cripps.


I love this one, and a note, I agree with Paul check your end points, that is something I have had to do as well, I also have to go back and edit the song to cut out the blank spaces as well on some of the other software that I am using. But great work was well.
It's Monday morning, so I need some contemplative Nadia Music. Ohhhhhmmmmmm... (Love this one!) I have always used Cakewalk (since the 90's), which is a lot like Paul's Studio One. When I export my multitracks as an MP3 there is a dialogue that tells me when to "stop" things. I have FLStudio and Audacity also, but haven't used in a while. YouTube is a FANTASTIC resource--I've spent dozens of hours there learning, little by little, how to do all of this! ❤️
Nadia, your music is always good, so let me go to the technical stuff instead.

I'll describe what my DAW does because maybe it will give you a clue for yours. I'm in Studio One. It automatically sets a song length of five minutes. When a song is shorter, as all mine are, I have to set an end marker to get the right length of the song. If I don't, it will output the song and a bunch of blank space to take it to the five minute mark. Check to see if your DAW expects you to put an end marker where the melody ends.