Little Lost Dream

by @strumandstress

Skirmish: "LOST DREAM" (@corinnecurcio)

Liner Notes



I dreamed we were lovers all over again Dancing together like we did back then
I’d found the right words and convinced you to stay But then I awoke in the cold light of day

I tried to remember the way that it felt I grasped at the words that had made your heart melt
But when I awoke from this glad reverie I couldn’t recapture one small memory

My thoughts were all scattered not one to retain There was nothing to capture inside my poor brain
I am so frustrated I’m wanting to scream I cannot remember my little lost dream

But maybe we’ll meet again as people do And maybe you’ll listen when I speak to you
Whatever the future I’d pay any cost to recapture a fraction of the dream that I lost


Very concise yet complete story told. You have a knack for that. Good skirmish.
Fine evocation of a literal dream and a more concrete one your narrator remembers and attempts to reconstruct. The bouncy melody offsets the sadness the narrator feels.
Very nice indeed. Delightful yet wistful. Catchy as all get out!
I have always wondered what the purpose of lessons in dreams is if we so rarely remember them. Great idea to take this angle. It really captures that frustration quite well.
I agree that this is very sweet and poignant. It is a lovely testament to feelings of love that fill our memories and of our lost dreams that plague us. I like the old time upbeat feel. Nicely developed and delivered song!
nicely done! what a great idea, about being unable to remember a treasured memory---which only comes in a dream- well done and the
music works well with the lyric
Sweet lyric. I enjoyed the flow. It really swept me up. Nice take on the prompt about a love you had in a dream. Very sweet. Good delivery vocally and it is a gem of a song.
Beautifully nostalgic and hopeful song. Wonderful take on the prompt.
Nostalgic. I like the words and your musical-vocal delivery.