Rocking the Lines

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Lines (@lyricslinger)

Liner Notes

To be honest, I first thought about the lines on my face and the idea was to compose music about it but I found the song with this title and although titles aren't copyrighted, it kinda put me off. So went to chat to AI and was suggested tons of titles, out of which I liked "Rocking the Lines".

Thank you for listening and commenting. Please let me know if you would like to collaborate with me.

#acoustic #skirmish #collaborationswelcome

'Rocking the Lines' © 2024 Nadia Cripps, Music, Piano and Demo by Nadia Cripps.


Another dramatic and powerful piece. It feels very serious and deep. A strong and wonderful song. I think the title works well :)
Wonderfully dark and dramatic start and finish - it captures the concept of rocking lines well .
Very dramatic, dark and mysterious. I like it very much.
I get kind of a VIP feeling with the heavy left hand parts. This could be the theme for a movie character who holds a position of power or importance.
Another epic skirmish song. Outside of FAWM/ 50 90 I don't listen to many instrumental songs but I probably should listen to more because songs like this tell stories without words. Nice song title too
This has such a special feel about it. A little dark, yet a very positive sound too! I really like it!
I expected a "rocking little number" - instead you give us this profound improvisation that is full of sound and fury. Those lines were rocked to breaking point in this one, I reckon.