Chance Take It

by @wolfkier

Liner Notes

11th preview demo from the album I'm working on "Open Sore" which I hope to complete by late 2024.
Took 8 days of work, but the mix still needs a little more finishing work if it makes the cut.
Please take a minute to copy paste your comment on the youtube song page so that its not lost forever when they scrub this site clean after this challenge. here's a direct link to the video page;

Here's a playlist/podcast of all preview tracks from the coming OPEN SORE album:
All listens comments will be reciprocated, as always. Looking forward to hearing what you're doing!
I sincerely hope you enjoy the music and the video.
Wishing you all a productive summer songhunt weekend ahead.


Lyrics are available via Closed Captioning on the youtube video or in the description on the youtube page. Here's the direct link


Quite the bass groove, really like the vocals in here, as well as the direction the track goes as it progresses!
Another great song from you, and, being an old guy, I got a kick out of watching those videos. Where do you get them from? ❤️
In addition to the super music, I love the vid mix.
Oh that bass line is so ear catchy! Loving the spoken word for this song - you are getting every emotion out of each word with your cool technique. How you say "chance" is epic - also "opportunity". Seems like the perfect blend of timing, phrasing, inflection, vocalization and how you use your breath. I like the gradual switch to singing and harmony in the "I can't believe" section - and you mange to do it and stay in the same lane musically - so cool. I totally love the message in your lyrics, and you used the right prosody - it sounds impulsive, greedy, irresistible and relentless - and the message gets through loud and clear. Bravo Wolf!
a bit steamy feel mr wolf. very commanding back line. a good listen as alwayd
"What's there to do, sweet Mary Lou?" The Nelsons Go Hawaiian - lol! Love it!
Love your vocals and the best. Spellbinding in that I want to listen over and over!
Very interesting consumerism song. Interesting that many of the companies in the video are now closed. Greed fed often leads to failure based. The style of vocals almost borrows from rap but the music is true to your magic style