My Notebook

by @aeye · @tcelliott · @catmisgivings

Liner Notes

A 3 way collab event taking place on a small stage.
Words: @catmisgivings
Reading: @tcelliott
Music: Me

This started (and correct me if I'm wrong) with Cat hitting a 5090 wall. I suggested writing something from the perspective of her notebook. And once she did I thought it would work really well as a rock opera type thing. Though if this were a rock opera this is the more introspective piano moment of the show. Lights go dim, character under a spotlight, solo piano playing.

Anyway this was fun and it turned out really well.
Kudos to @catmisgivings for writing the original and allowing myself and @tcelliott to help bring it to life.


#collab #notebook #spokenword #piano #lyrics


They wouldn't guess it to look at me
But I'm covered in ink

Some of it is embarrassing
But I don't care what they think

I can always stand up for myself
Cos I've got a spine

I'll spell it all out for you, honey
There's no reading between these lines

I turn over a new leaf every day
I'm here to listen to everything you say

I remember it all, from our first day
I make sure all your words will inside me stay

Sometimes you rip a page out of me,
Crumple it in a ball

If you're really frustrated,
You throw it at the wall

And I know why you do it
It's cos nothing in your life rhymes

But please do me a favor
Do it fewer than 80 times


I like the defiant tone here. The instrumental interlude is great, and I love how the whole thing builds coming out of that. Something feels serious and important here, despite the absurd perspective
Oh wow this has a musical monologue spotlight feel to me. I love how this is so atypical of my experience listening to the collab partners and yet works sooo well together! My brain imagines this to be a prelude to Send In the Clowns.
Really nice idea well delivered. The piano holds it great and The slow delivery us just right for this!
The rhythm of the beautiful piano playing pairs well with the idea of the spoken words. The idea of writing from the perspective of the journal is so fun. Well done everyone.
powerful and entertaining- and really unique and creative. That sparse and melodic piano works well against the spoken word and the lyric has alot of interesting things going on- excellent job all around!
That's what's up really interesting collaborative song the piano it's incredible intense moments and emphasized the words in the mood. The reading was really cool too. Great words.