Welcome Home

by @dragondreams

Liner Notes

#fusion #instrumental #fun #chm #iykyk
The Observatory in the Cosmos Tower of Castle Dragondreams first spotted the object approaching near Earth orbit a few days ago. Could it be? Was it possible? Had the Upper Trendleby Down Curry House finally returned from its decade-long journey among the stars?

Indeed it had. And the Massive got together with the Castle Dragondreams Houseband for a bit of a jam session while the kettle boiled...


Good to hear the locals are fighting against the gentrification of Upper Trendleby Down. Bindi bhagee from the pot with plain naan not because it's twee and ethnic but because THERE ARE NO FORKS OR PLATES.
Do I detect a touch of Barabajagal in the beginning? If so, the lovely flute demolishes it in short order.
I wondered where they've been, welcome back to the #chm

This is a great fusion of your current genres plus the chm influence, in fact they go together really well. Nice bass work of course
No idea what the „ Upper Trendleby Down Curry House“ is but it sounds like a funtastic reunion!
How did you get/made the female voice?