Fitzcarraldo's Folly (A Boy's Job)

by @freshspotlessyouth


Liner Notes

I like this. Just a quick free-time one-take. I always thought it was absurd to try to "win" the 5090. Now I'm thinking that if I just keep busting out one minute one-take songlets...maybe


I could compare thee to a summer’s day
But all the time I’m thinking
I sound so fucking stupid

I could make small talk, ain’t the weather great?
But all the time I’m thinking
I sound so fucking stupid

I’ve seen some movies, but what to say?
Fitzcarraldo’s folly?
That sounds so fucking stupid

“I love you” might be my one play
But best be thought a fool
Than talk
And sound so fucking stupid

Every single morning
I get up and put my pants on
I send a man to do a boy’s job
Though I know how that thing ends
I'll be standing on the sidelines
Chewing on my father’s words:
When you send a man to do a boy’s job
Well you know how that thing turns


Erudite! Excellent lyrics, particularly the "sounds so fucking stupid." Really lovely overall, particularly the ending with the man/boy/father idea.
just sitting here imagining william shakespeare going "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? No, that sounds so fucking stupid."

because i bet he did. at least at first.

so relatable.
This is one awesome songlet! The ‘fucking stupid’ refrain gets more and more powerful with each repeat. Love the ‘man to do a boy’s job’ line too. Speaking as someone who’ll never ‘win’ 50/90, if you feel like you have a shot at glory then you’ve got to take it - more songlets please :)
Short and bittersweet, especially the last verse packs some emotional punch for me
Much is impossible until it isn’t! A jobs a jobs a job!
I like it, too! Love the repeats of "so fucking stupid" and that flip with the sending a man to do a boy's job.
Whatever it takes: Go for the 50 songs. I signed up here for the first time in 2012 and...did nothing for 5 years. Then I gave FAWM a try in February, 2017. Got all 14. Loved it, and loved the sense of community. 50/90 came along--I made it! Writing block vanquished. Do whatever it takes--this was a great song! ❤️
i dont do too muh talking so the only time i have to worry about sounding stupid is when i sing.,,,,and i, like the man is the song, am a man doing a boy's job. how stupid is that?
It‘s really good how you make a change in lyrics and music before that outro!
I love those short songs! Really good!