When Words Turn Toxic

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Rumors (@atornberg)

Liner Notes

I think it's my first composition about rumours. I thought of how many problems rumours could bring and I had a chat with AI for a potential title. I really liked AI's idea for the title of my piece.

I can imagine other instruments with perhaps some whispering feel in them or echoes, vocals. It could be a rock song or a song from a musical, or something else if you hear other genres. I'm always interested in hearing your ideas. Thank you for listening and commenting.

My collaboration with@markontape is posted here: https://fiftyninety.fawm.org/songs/301106

#skirmish #rumours #acoustic

When Words Turn Toxic' © 2024 Nadia Cripps, Music, Piano and Demo by Nadia Cripps.


Love the sound and the great heavy base and the movement with the great accents! Well done! It fits the prompt and title well.
This reminds me of the game "Telephone" where one person says something to the person next to them and they have to pass it on to the next person. Somehow, the message is lost in translation from person to person. Kind of like rumors. Nice work!
Atmospheric piece. Look forward to hearing it with lyrics.
Yeah, I'm sensing a little "darkness" in this composition--definitely needs some "toxic lyrics"! :-) Great job! ❤️
This has a very modern feel to it -nice blend of dissonance to create the atmosphere and power to reflect the emotions stirred and harmed by toxic words.
Impending danger I feel. Full of suspense and so good!
The music's got a spiky edgy feel. Kind of foreboding. Feels like the rumours being represented here are of the dark and damaging kind. Great skirmish song!