
by @mahtowin · @ttg105

Liner Notes

The older I get, the angrier it makes me that there is still so much unbearable suffering! That it is still not self-evident that all people have the same rights and opportunities! No matter how old they are, what religion they belong to, what gender they are, where they live!
That's what I'm singing about here.

Pennyfeather is currently on vacation in a secret place so he won't be bothered by his fans! Before that, he kindly gave me another track in his trust! Wonderful bass (as I love it) and the whole thing a bit dark...
His keyboard sounds like a satanic organ!

I, too, will be on vacation for a week in France!
Have a good time!

#bass #dark #angy



Ich gehe dafür, dass mein Alter etwas ist, das wichtig ist und zählt!
Ich gehe dafür, dass durch die Anzahl meiner Winter meine Stimme Gewicht erhält!
In den schattigen Tälern meiner Narben und Falten kann ich bei Dir sein und Dich halten!

Ich gehe dafür, dass meine Tochter alleine Nachts durch die Starßen laufen kann!
Ich gehe dafür, dass mein Bruder lieben darf, wen er will, ob Frau ob Mann!
Ich gehe dafür, dass auch ein Mädchen mit Schleier selbst über ihr Leben bestimmt!
Ich gehe dafür, dass in Dir und in mir noch ein Kern aus Güte und Weichheit singt!
Ich gehe dafür, dass alle Waffen schweigen und die leise Stimme des Friedens sing!
Ich gehe dafür, dass Sicherheit kein Zufall ist und geborgen und satt ist jedes Kind!
Ich gehe dafür, dass keine Frau mehr durch die Hand eines Mannes sirbt!
Ich gehe dafür, dass sie aus Scham ihr Wunden vor uns nicht verbirgt!

Im Tuch meines Lebens verwebt ist mein silbernes Haar!
Dafür stehe ich!
Weich und stark!
Aufrecht und klar!
Im Tuch meines Lebens verwebt ist mein silbernes Haar!

I go for making my age something that matters and counts!
I go for the number of winters I have gives weight to my voice!
In the shadowy valleys of my scars and wrinkles I can be with you and hold you!

I go for that my daughter can walk the streets alone at night!
I go for that my brother can love whoever he wants, whether woman or man!
I go for that a girl with a veil also decides about her own life!
I go for that a core of goodness and love still sings in you and in me!
I go for all weapons to be silent and the quiet voice of peace to sing!
I go for that safety is not a coincidence and that every child is safe and fed!
I go for that no more women die at the hands of a man!
I go for that she doesn't hide her wounds and scars from us out of shame!

My silver hair is woven into the cloth of my life!
That's what I stand for!
Soft and strong!
Upright and clear!
My silver hair is woven into the cloth of my life!


Yeah, all that makes me incredibly frustrated, too.
Love the relentless bass work here.
The spoken word is really effective, even though I don't know what you're talking about; your voice has so much passion.
A super effective collab.
You two sound great together.
Great collab as usual. What a mix! Surfer Pennyfield and Bear as a silver-haired seer.
I like the theme here and message for all. It's fun to hear it sung in German. I enjoyed the backing vocals too. The music has great driving energy to it. Sounds good! Nicely done!
Ich habe die Fahrt genossen. vor allem toller Bass und Gesang
You have a definite style which is a good thing, the songs are different but recognisable! That ttg keeps leaving these nice bits to play with! That backing is very catchy! I do have a stick on moustache and thick glasses if pennyfeather needs them to go out.
Somehow this rocks super hard but in a quiet way. There's so much energy here. The whole thing is a defiant anthem. The repetition of Ich gehe dafür is fantastic. My fist is raised in solidarity! Love the organ, but who said you guys could go on vacation?
Wicked cool vocals with that backing track! Might be my fave of your collabs with @ttg105 - so underground… so hip - like a modern poetry reading.
Very expressive music and you've done a great job of adding words and vocals to it. Felt like a journey listening to it. I like the backing vocals that you've added - another layer added, another texture
excellent back track from paul keeeps things moving ad adds ecitement to each of your declarations. i wish everyone in the world, especially the polititians, would take these pearls of hope and wisdom to heart...and someday the whole world would live by them.