Bury my Heart in Ireland

by @berni1954

Bury my Heart in Ireland

Liner Notes

This was written for the "Letter Writing Challenge"
Like me, my letter writer has spent most of his life away from his homeland and now he is reaching the end he has one last request of his son.

Instrument: Godin Nylon Strung Guitar
#ireland #lettersthroughthemail


(A) Dear son my time is near its end
A (F#m) favour I must (E) ask
It (A) may seem quite unusual
But I'm sure you're (E) up to the (A) task
You (F#m) know I've (E) been so (D) far from (A) home
Oh how the years have (E) run
But there's (A) one last task I plead you do
When I am (E) dead and (A) gone.

Oh, (F#m) bury my (E) heart in (D) Ire(A)land
You can do what you will with the (E) rest
But (A) bury my heart in Ireland
The land I (E) loved the (A) best

(A) I know it won't be easy now
To ful(F#m)fil my dying (E) plea
The au(A)thorities will balk at that
And the church will (E) not ag(A)ree
But my (F#m) spirit (E) will be (D) rest(A)less
If I'm laid in a foreign (E) land
And my (A) ghost will walk forever
Please accede to (E) my de(A)mand

Oh, (F#m) bury my (E) heart in (D) Ire(A)land
On some far Connemara (E) strand
(A) Bury my heart in Ireland
My own dear (E) native (A) land

(A) I have few regrets, I've lived a life
That was (F#m) full down here in (E) Spain
But the (A) distance I've put from Ireland
Has caused me (E) so much (A) pain
Won't you (F#m) kiss your (E) darling (D) mad(A)re
As they lay me in some (E) grave
But ful(A)fil my dying wish my lad
In this final (E) task be (A) brave

Oh, (F#m) bury my (E) heart in (D) Ire(A)land
That land so wild and (E) green
(A) Bury my heart in Ireland
Where it has (E) always (A) been


you nailed it, you should see the tears and snot rolling down my face right now. dad would also be a mess, if he could hear this one.

it belongs on the mixtapes we would order through some catalog and play in the kitchen. trad of unknown provenance and untold age.
Classic Bernie, would have them cheering and crying in equal measures in many an Irish bar. This really is top class.
Always love to hear your beautiful fingerstyle on the nylon string guitar - so warm and lovely. Your rich baritone is always a treat also. Such a beautiful classic sounding Irish melody. I really feel that pleasing tone in your chorus. Oh my goodness the ending - that is brilliant! I can picture you singing this song in an Irish bar in Spain - if there is such a thing- and people feeling every word.
the lyric brings some grotesque images to mind, but the loveliness of the song over-rides the reality of the cutting out of the literal heart and shipping it north. the melody has a true irish flavor and is matched by the lyrical beauty of the words and your heartfelt emotion in singing this sad tale of a last wish.
You've written an instant classic here. I don't think there will be a dry eye in the expatriate pub as people join in and sing along. The performance is pretty exceptional, too. The bells at the end drive the point home. (Can't you hop on a Ryanair flight?)
This is great. Full of longing and wistfulness. And great to hear a song with a traditional Irish flavour.
Connemara would be a beautiful place to have one's heart buried. I'd choose West Cork though which is where my mum's family are from
Such a lovely Irish song! This could be now, or many years ago! Gorgeous!
Nice write. Vocal delivery is so poignant. I know the feeling of longing for home, especially as we get older.
the structure of this is so solid, I enjoy the steady, rolling lyrics too. Great instrument choice too, really lends to the feeling. It has an air of hopefulness though the writer has been away so long. The bells tolling at the end is a nice touch too! And great instrument choice. Thanks for writing this!
I like the mournful tone. With a sense of love and joy sprinkled in. The imagery is lovely. I think the music you put together for this and fit well with your voice and tell him to tune. Keep it up man.