Take Pity on the Zong

by @mandolinda · @edward9thstreet

Take Pity on the Zong
mandolinda +1

Liner Notes

A fun little song about the Zong. #fawmsong

Big thanks to Linda for adding music!


Take Pity on the Zong
by @edward9thstreet
Take Pity on the Zong

[verse 1]
Take pity on the zong
Displayed on and on
Until the end
Of time
Maybe next time they'll listen
Wide-eyed with wonder
To your music
Your words and
Your rhymes

[C] Zongs keep
You humble
And zongs bring
You shame
But sure as the sunrise
Turns yellow tomorrow
You've only
To blame

[verse 2]
Take pity on the zong
Then hurry along
In a world too frantic
To care
All good intentions
Are dashed ‘pon the rocks
Buy hey
At least
You shared

[C] Zongs keep
You humble
And zongs bring
You shame
But sure as the sunrise
Turns yellow tomorrow
You've only
To blame

Take pity on the zong
Its time has passed on
Unheard, unloved, uncharted
Then duck and take cover
And go write another
Alone, unknown, and disheart ‘ed

Then go write another
Then duck and take cover
Alone, unknown, and disheart ‘ed


Thank you for putting this lyric to your music! I like the vibe, the mandolin and the clear vocals. Sets the tone I had envisioned for the lyric!
Is there anything more tragic than a Zombie Zong?

Lovely sentiment--and a lot of us identify with the tragic feelings of which you sing. ❤️
I appreciated the lyric when I read it previously, but there's something about the way you accent certain lines that made me chuckle ruefully and appreciate the words differently. It's definitely a catchy little ditty, performed with spirit. Yes I will write another. I view songs and mega hits as being the same sort of thing: finite human efforts that hopefully brought the makers some sort of fulfillment
Love the 3/4 timing for this. The melody seems timeless. Great vocals! This song put a smile on my face - love the subject, and you nailed it!
a fawndelicious song. 123 123. excellent fun song.
Zong busted! This unique fawm song is relatable to many who labour and push the boundaries of creativity and share their work waiting for the feedback that keeps them going and trying again. This song beautifully captures the emotions of us novice fawmers trying to make a difference with our zongs