The Deadly Verse

by @tcelliott · @aeye

Liner Notes

#stolenlyric #surprisecollab #rock #slack #slackchat

The idea of a deadly verse killing off all the other verses was floated in the Fawm slack today (amongst the conversation of the muse, feeling inspired, being lazy and my half dozen plus half finished songs, etc.,) and Andy came up with the majority of this lyric. So I stole them and put them to music. Don't chat in slack if you don't want me to steal what you say. (Although, I did ask permission to post it.)


Life has no meaning
My heart will stop beating
I should be in a hearse
Because of the deadly verse

The verse has struck again
Dragged into oblivion

The structure isn't a fit
But you get what you get
The attitude is just right
Half the battle is just a fight

The verse has struck again
Dragged into a oblivion

You write a line
It fits just fine
But then it's feeling worse
Deadly verse
Don't rehearse
Unless you want the curse

The verse has struck again
Dragged into oblivion
The verse has struck again
Dragged into oblivion


heavy AF, this rocks as hard as it deserves to!
This song is so FAWM in how it was created! I love the tone - the cool crunchy guitar steady throughout really sets the mood. Great vocals and clever lyrics make it so fun to listen to. Love that guitar solo! Great collab.
Gotta dig those fresh, novel lyric writes! How fab is this one?! Love the idea of "actually living, breathing lyrics in full knowledge of themselves." Classic. Clever. And in song? This write is just kicked up cool to another hard rockin' notch of entertainment.
love the groove and overdrive guitar. Love how the sung bridge lifts out from the previous set melody range.
There have been many times I've pulled my songwriting notebook out instead of writing something into the slack chat, thinking "if I write that someone might make it a lyric, and I want it." ;) It's a good incubator.

This is really fun -- love the hard-rocking track and vocals! And the concept is terrific.
A metal meta song, I had to chuckle by the time the last verse came around. Great solo there, and the metal tone is solid. Kind of bummed the line "Don't chat in slack if you don't want me to steal" didn't find it's way in, haha.
what a rockin' meta fawm tune! great fun all around, from the crazy lyric to the 'raawwk' setting. nice work!
HA this is pretty much what I imagined when this whole conversation started. Wicked solo!