News Fit to Print

by @berni1954

Liner Notes

This was written as part of a "Seasons of the Ukulele" challenge to write a song which paints a rosier picture of humanity than that presented by the news media. It was inspired by an article I read some time back entitled. "Good News is No News!

INSTRUMENT: Cheap Gear4Music Pineapple Ukulele (with a Kiwi design)

#fuc #ukulele


(Dm) Most people just (C) want to live their (Dm) lives
In (F) peace with their husbands or their (C) wives
They don’t (F) seek to do harm, they pre(Dm)fer a life of calm,
Never steal or ex(C)ploit a fellow (Dm) being

But if you turned on the (C) television (Dm) news
You’d be for(F)given if you were con(C)fused
For the (F) picture they paint is of (Dm) greed and war and hate
Where the world is a (C) very scary (Dm) place

What we (Bb) see on TV is the ex(Dm)ception not the rule
The un(Bb)usual is worthy of the (Dm) news
We don’t (Bb) need to be told there were no (Dm) shootings at a school
It’s the extraordinary (C) wakes us from a (Dm) snooze

There are some seven thousand (C) planes now in the (Dm) air
Safely (F) taking people from here out to (C) there
If (F) one were to crash, across the (Dm) news it would be splashed
That all the others landed (C) safely, no one (Dm) cares


(Dm) “Human nature’s built on (C) greed!” I know they (Dm) say
Those in (F) power need you to feel that (C) way
If be(F)lieved it justifies, their be(Dm)haviour and their lies
But most of us are (C) decent human (Dm) beings
Yes, most of us are (C) decent human (Dm) beings


There's a lot of truth in this delightful song. Thanks for sharing it with us.
hey it's true, "Man Bites Dog" is the sort of headline they go for, isn't it?

the sprightly accompaniment on the kiwi pineapple uke sets just the right tone for this song. :D
it wouldnt be hard to do, they breathe on doom and gloom. good write and that percussive uke use holds it well.
This is a very good song. The style suits the lyric. I love the contrast of the Real Normal to the Exaggerated obsession with the exception to the rule in Media (Especially social media) Thanks for the reminder that being decent human beings should be the norm.
Good point! A nice reminder of all that goes well. I would prefer happy news but too many enjoy the drama of bad news.