Bad Boy

by @wolfkier

Liner Notes

10th preview demo from the album I'm working on "Open Sore" which I hope to complete by late 2024.
Took a week of work, but the mix still needs a little more finishing work if it makes the cut.
Please take a minute to copy paste your comment on the youtube song page so that its not lost forever when they scrub this site clean after this challenge. here's a direct link to the video page;

Here's a playlist/podcast of all preview tracks from the coming OPEN SORE album:
All listens comments will be reciprocated, as always. Looking forward to hearing what you're doing!
I sincerely hope you enjoy the music and the video.
Wishing you all a productive summer songhunt weekend ahead.
Hugs. WK


Lyrics are available via Closed Captioning on the youtube video or in the description on the youtube page. Here's the direct link


I need to catch up! Been having back issues and got a shot today. What a video and what a sensational song!
This is so much fun to watch and to listen to! I love the whole vibe of it with that way-wah effect. Great job!
Wow, the music and the video are feeling like a time machine. Great job on this one!
Great vibe for the time period you are capturing, fun work. With the film title I kept expecting a monster to jump out of the water!
oh this is very brit poppy to me almost on the earlier squeeze, madnesd edge. with some slighg funk. i really like this one man.
Well, I could probably watch that video all day--all the while listening to your lovely song, mind you! Great job! ❤️
This is great! The trouble with the trouble is it doesn't go away! That explains it.
ROFL! Oh you bad boy - lol! This was my childhood - these were my role models. I had to have one of those "ruffle" tops the dancers are wearing doing the "Jerk" (my signature dance). Wanted to be "Gidget." Got to hear "Moondoggie" sing the title song in his show in Vegas. And that tape recorder - my friend and I would tape "Big Valley" on one of those things - lol! This whole production is so fun - the music could absolutely be from one of those beach movies. I'll be watching this one a few times.