
by @freshspotlessyouth

Liner Notes

#alternativeindie #europeanblues


I don’t like to make
Extravagant claims
But I’m awake and have a name
And this string of days
To hold and to break
To lose and to make
To fumble and to fiddle with in situ
And in seeking, yes, perchance to tame
To work out from the middle with a chance to change

Extravagance is with us right here right now
You’ll know the way when you get there
You’ll know it’s time when you get there


i like the mood you set with the chord progression. what i get out of the lyrics is tapping into abundance ... maybe something like the "manifesting" people seem to talk about so much these days. and that's certainly something you've been doing this 5090!
very poetic and philosophical, . j love that guitar . really nice and those delicately soft lyrics
Like a soft voice slowly emerging from the mist ... I'm getting a real Galaxy 500 vibe. The echoey electric guitar is a nice touch. Congrats on getting "in situ" and "perchance" into the lyrics!
Well worth many listens. An intellectual, abstract love song full of longing and anticipation, and hope of reconciliation of some kind? And extravagance ... ?
Anyway, nice ringing reverby rhythm guitars, soothing but strong vocal. Mysteries of the heart.
a strong philosophical creed from the typically brilliant young spotless youth, whose songs are getting shorter when i wish they were getting longer..the opposite of how i usually feel when i listen to some really long songs (especially my own)
European blues - oooh, I like that. A lot! And the openness to interpretation - big fan of that! Nice!
I don‘t really know what this text is about. Google isn‘t helpful with translating and as I said before: understanding isn‘t only a question of words.

This is another good and really short song from you. I love this downgoing guitar in the back. It makes this music a bit dark.
Another winner!
Good sounding song. I wanted to hear more. These are definitely extravagant times and the words could mean a lot of different things to different people. Enjoyed listening.