Help Ma Boab

by @ttg105

Liner Notes

#alternatetuning #duelingmelodicas

I often get a line from a song stuck in my head for days. This time, it was "And we all wear wee cloth bonnets, and we all say help mah boab" from Andy M. Stewart's wonderful "Monday Morning." As I already did a song called "Wee Cloth Bonnet," it was time for the latter, which is a Scottish term of frustration.

Guitar: A rare foray into steel-string territory. Tuning is EF#c#f#be.


Help ma boab
he's only gone
and done it again
stole my head
and used it
as a basketball
and that's not all
cos in the fall
he rolled up our lawn
and sold it as a plush carpet

Help ma boab
she's only gone
and done it again
stole our chimney cos
she likes a smoke
then she stole
my bicycle and rode
it right up my nose
stole an udder from our cow
and sold it to a dairy farmer

Help ma boab
she's taken our doorknob
and hung it from her ear
and said, "Don't go knocking in there"
("There" signifying her head)


That tuning really helps put the song across. It's very pastoral. And I enjoyed the dueling melodicas, particularly the part right at the very end of the song, which struck me as a very beautiful melody. And the overall meter of your lyrics was a breath of fresh air. Nice work.
im having some slightly weird life relationships to my song listens today this is not the first
i know yoh have a different meaning but just before i listened i took a pic of a Boab Tree weird eh.intetesting tuning and duelling melodicas wow
The guitar is dreamy and the vocals fit perfectly.
Oh my. This has a gentle melancholy to it which I really wasn't expecting at all. The gentle lyricism of the guitar is stunning. And "stole our chimney cos / she likes a smoke" is inspired.

For the full effect, you really need to work both "jings!" and "crivens!" into those lyrics as well. Trust me on this.
I have no idea how you are able to create such lyrics! Assoziations freely float!
Absolutely great!
The steel strings sound clear as water in a river - also the way you play reminds me of waves!
Wonderful dreamy atmosphere!
Enjoyed this very much!