A Waitress's Lament

by @musicsongwriter

Skirmish: Quality and Training Purp... (@atornberg)

Liner Notes

Today's skirmish prompt was "Quality and Training Purposes
Customer service and customer facing retail jobs are difficult at best. Customer service reps and store employees get the brunt of all the organization's failings and get none of the glory when things succeed. Write about an incident where a customer service agent, retail employee or wait staff saves the company. I have no idea how they would do this, but we can use our imaginations for this one. If you have worked retail or been a customer service rep, waiter or waitress, you know the struggle." I took the struggle part of being a waitress and here is my instrumental.
Thank you for listening and commenting. Please let me know if you hear a potential of a collaboration, and whether you are interested in collaborating.

A Waitress's Lament' © 2024 Nadia Cripps. Music, Keyboard and Demo by Nadia Cripps


Yes, this is definitely a "lament-y" sounding song. VERY heavy...

Nice departure for you! ❤️
Needs a hand drawn animation to go with it! ❤️
love the title. certainly has a sad almost funeral feel which is exactly a lament. i see a miner band blasting this out with brass, with the mine backdrop. really good one
I like how it's got that "Marche Slave" feel to it.

I always remember a line in a Woody Allen film where Woody's character asks a black prostitute what its like to do her job to which she replies:
"It beats waitressing!" -

Waiting on tables must be the pits.
This piece has such a story telling quality about it. Reminds me of the quote I put on studio door "Music is what feelings sound like".
This is powerful! And would be great for a skirmish such as this!